Health On The Rebound
Have you ever seen those “mini trampolines” and wondered what all the fuss is about? Well, those little “trampolines” are called “bouncers” and they provide a great way for people of all ages to get a healthy aerobic workout.
One of the many benefits of bouncing is that the activity helps the body cleanse its lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the body’s metabolic wastebasket. It frees the body from the toxic by-products of everyday life: environmental toxins, dead cells, cancer cells, nitrogenous waste, trapped proteins, pathogenic bacteria, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and a variety of other “wastes. Catabolism, or metabolic breakdown, is the process by which these toxic by-products are created, and their elimination is essential to good health.
The lymphatic drainage system is a complex part of the body’s cardiovascular circulatory system. After the circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood, the products of catabolism – or the toxic waste described above – must be removed through the lymphatic ducts. However, this is easier said than done, because unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump (the heart.) There are only three ways to activate and accelerate the flow of lymph out of the tissues and back into the main circulation.
They are as follows:
- Muscle contraction through exercise and movement.
- Gravitational pressure.
- Internal massage to the valves of the lymphatic ducts.
Rebounding provides all three, but of these, exercise is the best stimulant!
When a person is inactive for a long time, the lymph will not flow well enough to remove normal cellular waste products. Toxins will build up in the body and the person who has been inactive will begin to feel “sick”. (That’s why an otherwise healthy person, confined to bed with something as simple as a broken bone, will find that they feel unhappy after a while; the body’s own toxins begin to build up and poison the cells of their vital organs.)
Leaving aside poor nutrition, the main cause of fatigue, disease, cellular degeneration and premature aging is poor circulation to and from the body’s tissues. Poor circulation creates a stagnation of cellular fluids. When cells and living organs are continuously supplied with adequate nutrients and oxygen, they will thrive, but only if toxic waste substances are simultaneously removed and excreted from the body. This is the main work of the lymphatic system.
How our cells get rid of waste
The body is (by most estimates) between 70 and 80 percent water, which is mainly in the form of a lost protoplasm called interstitial fluid. (Interstitial fluid is the grayish fluid that can sometimes be seen oozing from a skinned knee when there is no actual bleeding.) ) There is a continuous exchange that takes place between the trillions of cells in the body and their surrounding interstitial fluids. Nutrients and oxygen are exchanged for waste products from the cells through this fluid. Blood pressure moves the fluid in and out of the interstitial spaces of the cells, effecting a constant exchange.
If these toxic by-products were not removed from the body, the living cells would lose their efficiency and eventually die, because their own waste products would be poisoning them. The lymphatic duct system that removes these toxic by-products is found everywhere in the body, resembling the roots of a tree and running through the body’s arterial system (capillaries, arterioles, venules.)
Remember, the lymphatic system does not have a pump in its vessels to push the lymphatic fluid. Instead, the system relies on muscle contraction, passive movement of body parts, compression of tissues from the outside, and gravity to move waste-filled fluids to their main waste dumps in the right and left subclavian veins, which are located under the collarbones.
At certain points along the “route”, there are stress stations – lymph nodes – to collect toxins from cancerous growths and specific disease-producing bacteria. The lymph nodes prevent the spread of disease by keeping cancer cells localized or preventing infections from spreading further. Cancer and infections are always present in our bodies, but our natural immunity protects us. One of the stimulators of this immune system is exercise.
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